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Abuse Matrices


: The entity has the capability to detect / mitigate / prevent the threat
: The entity lacks the capability to detect / mitigate / prevent the threat

  • DGA: domain generation algorithm
  • eSLD: effective second-level domain
  • pDNS: passive DNS traffic analysis


: The entity has the capability to detect
: The entity lacks the capability to detect

Registrars Registries Authoritative Operators Domain name resellers Recursive Operators Network Operators Application Service Provider Hosting Provider Threat Intelligence Provider Device, OS, & Application Software Developers Domain Registrants End User Law Enforcement and Public Safety Authorities CSIRTs / ISACs Incident responder
Domain name compromise
Lame delegations
DNS cache poisoning
DNS rebinding
DNS server compromise
Stub resolver hijacking
Local recursive resolver hijacking
On-path DNS attack
DoS against the DNS
DNS as a vector for DoS
Dynamic DNS resolution (as obfuscation technique) N/A
Dynamic DNS resolution: Fast flux (as obfuscation technique) N/A
Infiltration and exfiltration via the DNS N/A
Malicious registration of (effective) second level domains N/A
Creation of malicious subdomains under dynamic DNS providers N/A
Compromise of a non-DNS server to conduct abuse
Spoofing or otherwise using unregistered domain names
Spoofing of a registered domain
DNS tunneling - tunneling another protocol over DNS
DNS beacons - C2 communication


: The entity has the capability to mitigate
: The entity lacks the capability to mitigate

Registrars Registries Authoritative Operators Domain name resellers Recursive Operators Network Operators Application Service Provider Hosting Provider Threat Intelligence Provider Device, OS, & Application Software Developers Domain Registrants End User Law Enforcement and Public Safety Authorities CSIRTs / ISACs Incident responder
Domain name compromise
Lame delegations
DNS cache poisoning
DNS rebinding
DNS server compromise
Stub resolver hijacking
Local recursive resolver hijacking
On-path DNS attack
DoS against the DNS
DNS as a vector for DoS
Dynamic DNS resolution (as obfuscation technique) N/A
Dynamic DNS resolution: Fast flux (as obfuscation technique) N/A
Infiltration and exfiltration via the DNS N/A
Malicious registration of (effective) second level domains N/A
Creation of malicious subdomains under dynamic DNS providers N/A
Compromise of a non-DNS server to conduct abuse
Spoofing or otherwise using unregistered domain names
Spoofing of a registered domain
DNS tunneling - tunneling another protocol over DNS N/A
DNS beacons - C2 communication N/A


: The entity has the capability to prevent the threat
: The entity lacks the capability to prevent the threat

Registrars Registries Authoritative Operators Domain name resellers Recursive Operators Network Operators Application Service Provider Hosting Provider Threat Intelligence Provider Device, OS, & Application Software Developers Domain Registrants End User Law Enforcement and Public Safety Authorities CSIRTs / ISACs Incident responder
Domain name compromise
Lame delegations
DNS cache poisoning
DNS rebinding
DNS server compromise
Stub resolver hijacking
Local recursive resolver hijacking
On-path DNS attack
DoS against the DNS
DNS as a vector for DoS
Dynamic DNS resolution (as obfuscation technique)
Dynamic DNS resolution: Fast flux (as obfuscation technique)
Infiltration and exfiltration via the DNS
Malicious registration of (effective) second level domains N/A
Creation of malicious subdomains under dynamic DNS providers N/A
Compromise of a non-DNS server to conduct abuse
Spoofing or otherwise using unregistered domain names
Spoofing of a registered domain (for abuse) N/A
DNS tunneling - tunneling another protocol over DNS
DNS beacons - C2 communication